Adventure Communist Wiki

"Ever dreamed of skyscraper made of stacked potato farms? Everyone did, it's State mandated."

Sky Farms are the 11th and final potato generator. The first mission requiring Sky farms is at Icon-rank-102 Rank 102, and Icon-rank-103 Rank 103 introduces Uncle Smurf who automates and speeds up Sky Farms.

The potato price of Sky Farms is similar in difficulty to Icon-bomber Bombers. However, this industry sees another increase in generator cost, needing at least 1 B discount to afford the Icon-biodome 10 CC Biodomes, as well as another jump in comrades as the 100s expect at least 10 M cps.

Starting around Icon-rank-140 Rank 140, sky farms become infamous for some large comrade missions, often requiring over 10 T comrades to complete, with the highest being 123 T at the current max of Icon-rank-170 Rank 170. These missions can usually be skipped, however.

Sky Farms are also featured in two events. It's the 8th tier in the Potato Industry during the Farm to Table event, and the 4th tier in the Brain Industry during the State Science event.
