Adventure Communist Wiki

Rank 74 is the rank reached after resetting on Icon-rank-73 Rank 73. No new researchers unlock at this rank. Sixteen missions are required to move on to Icon-rank-75 Rank 75.

Note that the next rank will contain the first Icon-fortress Fortresses mission, so make sure your Bullets Bullets discount is at least x10 M and that you can reach at least Bullets 100 HHH Bullets. Icon-rank-75 Rank 75 also has a spend 10,000 science mission, so save that much science to upgrade during that mission, possibly a card to get your Bullets Bullets production and discount up to par.

# Name Requirement Reward
1 Pill Shiller! Placebos Trade 28 Placebo Icon-stone-small Stone
2 Artillery Deployed! Artillery Own 594 M Artilleries Icon-wood-small Wood
3 Promote Researchers Icon-promote-researcher-arrow Upgrade 3 Cards Icon-stone-small Stone
4 Hankering for Tankering! Tanker Own 3.5 B Tankers Icon-wood-small Wood
5 Perfect for Nuclear Wessels! Icon-nuclearplant Own 7.7 B Nuclear Plants Icon-wood-small Wood
6 More Potatoes, More Glory! Potato Collect 88 JJJ Potatoes Icon-wood-small Wood
7 Hankering for Tankering! Tanker Own 15 B Tankers Icon-wood-small Wood
8 Armed and Glorious! Bullets Collect 2.6 EEE Bullets Icon-wood-small Wood
9 Pick a Card! Any Card! Icon-common Collect 1,150 Cards Icon-stone-small Stone
10 Red Eye Flight! Airport Own 727 M Airports Icon-stone-small Stone
11 A Healthy People! Placebos Collect 323 AAA Placebos Icon-wood-small Wood
12 More Like Your-Ranium! Uranium Mine Own 5.6 B Uranium Mines Icon-stone-small Stone
13 Armed and Glorious! Bullets Collect 94 GGG Bullets Icon-wood-small Wood
14 A Must for Dusting! Crop Duster Own 180 B Crop Dusters Icon-stone-small Stone
15 Red Eye Flight! Airport Own 3 B Airports Icon-stone-small Stone
16 Stronger than Dirt! Ore Collect 4.9 NNN Ore Icon-wood-small Wood
17 Coast Busters! Coast Guard Own 32,768 Coast Guards Icon-stone-small Stone
18 Better than Friendship! Battleship Own 65 B Battleships Icon-stone-small Stone
19 More Potatoes, More Glory! Potato Collect 123 RRR Potatoes Icon-wood-small Wood