Adventure Communist Wiki

Icon-rank-53 Rank 53 follows Icon-rank-52 Rank 52, and requires 14 out of 17 Missions to rank up to Icon-rank-54 Rank 54. There is no researcher unlocked at this rank.


Do not upgrade any researchers/spend any science unless you absolutely have to in order to progress through the rank, as Icon-rank-54 Rank 54 starts off with a Promote Researchers mission (Upgrade 5 Cards).

# Name Requirement Reward
1 Tanks Very Much! Tank Own 951,952 Tanks Icon-wood-small Wood
2 R&D Asap! Science Spend 11,000 Science Icon-stone-small Stone
3 A Healthy People! Placebos Collect 911 QQ Placebos Icon-stone-small Stone
4 Dig That Rig! Oil Rig Own 258 M Oil Rigs Icon-wood-small Wood
5 That Ship has Sailed! Harbour Own 999 M Harbours Icon-wood-small Wood
6 Cooler than Warm Storage! Cold Storage Own 8 B Cold Storages Icon-wood-small Wood
7 Stronger than Dirt! Ore Collect 14 WW Ore Icon-wood-small Wood
8 Artillery Deployed! Artillery Own 2.9 B Artilleries Icon-stone-small Stone
9 Pick a Card! Any Card! Icon-common Collect 650 Cards Icon-wood-small Wood
10 More Potatoes, More Glory! Potato Collect 778 DDD Potatoes Icon-wood-small Wood
11 Perfect for Nuclear Wessels! Icon-nuclearplant Own 1,986 Nuclear Plants Icon-stone-small Stone
12 Always Give 100%! Bloodbank Own 3.9 B Blood Banks Icon-wood-small Wood
13 Hankering for Tankering! Tanker Own 4.2 B Tankers Icon-stone-small Stone
14 Armed and Glorious! Bullets Collect 6.7 WW Bullets Icon-wood-small Wood
15 Hospitable Host-Pital! Hospital Own 8 Hospitals Icon-stone-small Stone
16 Cooler than Warm Storage! Cold Storage Own 38 B Cold Storages Icon-wood-small Wood
17 Perfect for Nuclear Wessels! Icon-nuclearplant Own 23,496 Nuclear Plants Icon-stone-small Stone
