Adventure Communist Wiki

Icon-rank-141 Rank 141 is the rank following Icon-rank-140 Rank 140. No new researchers unlock at this rank. You must complete 20 out of 23 missions available to move on to Icon-rank-142 Rank 142.

This rank has two missions requiring players to spend science, as does most of the following 10 ranks. Because of this, science can by saved by waiting until both missions appear before upgrading cards to complete them.

# Name Requirement Reward
1 Noob Tube! Icon-tubetravel Own 654 B Tube Travels Icon-wood-small Wood
2 More Potatoes, More Glory! Potato Collect 111 GGGG Potatoes Icon-stone-small Stone
3 Stronger than Dirt! Ore Collect 20 BBBB Ore Icon-wood-small Wood
4 Dome Rhymes With Home! Icon-biodome Own 1 T Biodomes Icon-stone-small Stone
5 R&D Asap! Science Spend 40,000 Science Icon-wood-small Wood
6 Land in the Hand! Land Collect 22.2 IIII Land Icon-stone-small Stone
7 A Healthy People! Placebos Collect 5.55 YYY Placebos Icon-wood-small Wood
8 This Is a Drill! Icon-laserdrill Own 1 T Laser Drills Icon-wood-small Wood
9 Armed and Glorious! Bullets Collect 1.21 EEEE Bullets Icon-wood-small Wood
10 More Potatoes, More Glory! Potato Collect 55.5 LLLL Potatoes Icon-stone-small Stone
11 The Future is Now! Icon-fusionplant Own 7.89 B Fusion Plants Icon-wood-small Wood
12 Stronger than Dirt! Ore Collect 60 HHHH Ore Icon-wood-small Wood
13 Land in the Hand! Land Collect 4.44 KKKK Land Icon-stone-small Stone
14 Shoveling Clouds! Icon-skyfarm Own 3.33 T Sky Farms Icon-stone-small Stone
15 Armed and Glorious! Bullets Collect 8.88 FFFF Bullets Icon-wood-small Wood
16 More Potatoes, More Glory! Potato Collect 88.8 PPPP Potatoes Icon-stone-small Stone
17 Promote Researchers Icon-promote-researcher-arrow Upgrade 2 Cards Icon-wood-small Wood
18 Hot Stuff Icon-magmaextractor Own 88 Magma Extractors Icon-stone-small Stone
19 A Healthy People! Placebos Collect 888 AAAA Placebos Icon-wood-small Wood
20 Stronger than Dirt! Ore Collect 800 JJJJ Ore Icon-wood-small Wood
21 Shoveling Clouds! Icon-skyfarm Own 8 T Sky Farms Icon-wood-small Wood
22 Land in the Hand! Land Collect 842 LLLL Land Icon-stone-small Stone
23 Armed and Glorious! Bullets Collect 5.05 GGGG Bullets Icon-stone-small Stone
