Adventure Communist Wiki

Icon-rank-114 Rank 114 is the rank following Icon-rank-113 Rank 113. Albert Mutanstein, the researcher who automates and speeds up Icon-fusionplant Fusion Plants unlocks at this rank. You must complete at least 20 out of the 23 missions available to move on to Icon-rank-115 Rank 115.

# Name Requirement Reward
1 Pill Shiller! Placebos Trade 48 Placebo Icon-stone-small Stone
2 Hankering for Tankering! Tanker Own 15 B Tankers Icon-wood-small Wood
3 Promote Researchers Icon-promote-researcher-arrow Upgrade 3 Cards Icon-stone-small Stone
4 Red Eye Flight! Airport Own 90 B Airports Icon-wood-small Wood
5 A Must for Dusting! Crop Duster Own 140 B Crop Dusters Icon-wood-small Wood
6 Stronger than Dirt! Ore Collect 37 TTT Ore Icon-wood-small Wood
7 Fortress to Impress! Icon-fortress Own 86 B Fortresses Icon-wood-small Wood
8 Land in the Hand! Land Collect 2.9 DDDD Land Icon-wood-small Wood
9 Dome Rhymes With Home! Icon-biodome Own 400 B Biodomes Icon-stone-small Stone
10 Stronger than Dirt! Ore Collect 93 WWW Ore Icon-wood-small Wood
11 Fab Lab Grab! Icon-laboratory Own 77 B Laboratories Icon-stone-small Stone
12 Pick a Card! Any Card! Icon-common Collect 2,100 Cards Icon-stone-small Stone
13 Armed and Glorious! Bullets Collect 8.5 WWW Bullets Icon-wood-small Wood
14 Noob Tube! Icon-tubetravel Own 600 B Tube Travels Icon-stone-small Stone
15 Shoveling Clouds! Icon-skyfarm Own 3,333 Sky Farms Icon-stone-small Stone
16 Stronger than Dirt! Ore Collect 5.7 YYY Ore Icon-wood-small Wood
17 Fab Lab Grab! Icon-laboratory Own 180 B Laboratories Icon-stone-small Stone
18 The Future is Now! Icon-fusionplant Own 8 Fusion Plants Icon-stone-small Stone
19 Armed and Glorious! Bullets Collect 43 YYY Bullets Icon-wood-small Wood
20 Shoveling Clouds! Icon-skyfarm Own 69 M Sky Farms Icon-stone-small Stone
21 This Is a Drill! Icon-laserdrill Own 900,000 Laser Drills Icon-stone-small Stone
22 Fab Lab Grab! Icon-laboratory Own 360 B Laboratories Icon-stone-small Stone
23 Land in the Hand! Land Collect 1.4 FFFF Land Icon-wood-small Wood
